Norwood Netball League gets underway

Norwood Netball League gets underway

Having been declared a Zone of Special Operations in June, 2021 the Community of Norwood in St. James will be hosting a Netball League, from February 12, 2023 through to March 05, 2023. The hosting of this Netball League aims to foster a peaceful environment; increase the youthโ€™s participation in and support for community activities and encourage greater interest in community governance. It is envisioned that this event will ultimately help to advance the community building processes and provide spaces for community integration in accordance with the Government of Jamaicaโ€™s Integrated Development mandate.

As part of a broader multi-stakeholder approach, the Jamaica Social Investment Fund in collaboration with the security forces leading the Zone of Special Operations in Norwood, the Ministry of Education and Youth (Youth Division), the Member of parliament, and Councillor for Northwest St. James, the Social Development Commission, the Norwood Community Development Committee, and other private and government organizations will work to boost the success of this initiative.

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