GOJ Community Electrification Pole Line Extension Projects

The Government of Jamaica established the Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF) to assist in its poverty eradication programme. The Jamaica Social Investment Fund has entered a partnership with the Ministry of Science, Energy, Telecommunications and Transport to support community electrification, through the provision of house wiring and pole line construction/expansion. The Jamaica Social Investment Fund intends to use part of the proceeds of this agreement to cover payments under the following contracts:

The Jamaica Social Investment Fund now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the following GOJ Community Electrification Pole Line Extension Projects:

Bid # 21709                                          Cus Cus Road Pole Line Extension – Bogue, St. Elizabeth (#73978)                                                          

Scope of Works:                                  Erection of 29 poles, 781m of primary lines, 965m of secondary lines and 2 25KVa transformers.


Works Period: Six (6) months


Procurement Method:                          National Competitive Bidding (NCB)


PPC Category:                                     Grade 3 or higher in Electrical Works 



Bid # 21710                                           Douglas Castle Pole Extension – St. Ann (73987) 


Scope of Works:                                 Erection of 15 poles, 125m primary lines, 614m of secondary lines and 1 transformer.


Works Period: Six (6) months  


Procurement Method:                         National Competitive Bidding (NCB)


PPC Category:                                     Grade 3 or higher in Electrical Works    



Bid # 21711                                          Harbour Heights Pole Line Extension – Kingston (#73979)                                                              

Scope of Works:                                  Erection of 33 poles, 614m of primary lines, 1220m of secondary lines and 3 transformers.


Works Period: Six (6) months


Procurement Method:                          National Competitive Bidding (NCB)


PPC Category:                                     Grade 2 or higher in Electrical Works


Bid # 21712                                           Prospect Pole Extension – Prospect, Westmoreland (73986) 


Scope of Works:                                 Erection of 20 poles, 296m primary lines, 708m of secondary lines and 2 25KVa transformers


Works Period: Six (6) months  


Procurement Method:                         National Competitive Bidding (NCB)


PPC Category:                                     Grade 3 or higher in Electrical Works     

Bid Number
Collection Period